Vores dykkercenter er under tysk ledelse.
Individuelt, professionelt og i samspil med vores omgivelser.
SeaUrchin Diving Center blev grundlagt i 2006 af Katharina Dohmann. SeaUrchin Diving Center er et af de mest erfarne dykkerskoler/centre på Mauritius. Katharina Dohmann forlod Tyskland, for at fuldføre sin drøm om at dykning skulle være tilgængeligt for alle – og til en rimelig pris. SeaUrchin Diving Center har nu opereret over 10 år i Mauritius. Vores professionelle medarbejdere har derfor stor erfaring i, at tilrettelægge dagens dyk, ud fra vores klienters ønsker og formåen.
Vi er aktive medspillere i, at øge bevidstheden omkring hvor vigtig, og skrøbelig, verdenen under vand er for os, for dig og for vores klode. Dykning er ikke kun en sport. Dykning er også et værktøj til, at få forståelse for hvordan vores jord er skruet sammen, såvel over vand som under vand. Vi tror på, at en øget bevidsthed, giver en øget vilje til at ændre hvordan vores adfærd har indvirkning på det, ret så skrøbelige, miljø under vandet. Hvilket vi ikke kun støtter helhjertet op om, men også praktiserer på i vores daglige arbejde.
Vi er den eneste dykkerskole i Mauritius, som tilbyder tre forskellige dykker systemer – SSI, PADI og CMAS. Kurserne bliver undervist på engelsk, tysk og fransk som udgangspunkt. Derfor er det muligt for os, at garanterer, at den undervisning du modtager, teoretisk og praktisk, er lige for alle.
SeaUrchin Diving Center er den eneste dykkerskole på Mauritius, som kan uddanne SSI instruktører. Katharina er certificeret SSI Instructor Trainer, som den første her på øen, hvilket betyder at hun er autoriseret til at uddanne og forme en dykker fra den spæde start helt op til professionel instruktør niveau.
Det er vigtigt for os, at vi tilbyder dykker kurser i mindre grupper, med et maksimum på 4-6 dykkere pr. gruppe. Dette giver en unik mulighed for, at undervise og uddanne dig i et trygt miljø.
Vores dyk er altid anført af en dykker professionel, din sikkerhed og tryghed er altid vores første prioritet.
Yderligere er det også vigtigt for os, at du synes her er rart at være. Vores center har altid kaffe og te på kanden, og har du brug for et varmt bad efter dit dyk, er det naturligvis også noget vi kan tilbyde – dog skal du selv medbringe håndklæde.
Meet our Team

- SSI Instructor Trainer # 57975
- SSI XR Instructor Trainer #
- SSI Specialty and Nitrox Instructor
- SSI React Right Instructor Trainer
- CMAS/ IDA Instructor 3* # D1475,
- CMAS/ VDST Instructor 3* # GER F00 M3 18 458542,
- CMAS/ MSDA Instructor 2* # MRI F00 16 000002,
- CMAS/ MSDA Secourisme Instructor # MRI F00 MS 15 004
established herself in Mauritius in the year 2006 and at the same time founded the SeaUrchin Diving Center. After acquiring her qualification and accreditation by CMAS and PADI, she stepped up to SSI in 2011 and thus became an expert on all major diving educational systems. In May 2015, she completed a course for SSI Instructor Trainer and is the only teacher in Mauritius authorized to train any SSI Instructors.
Katharina is passionate about encouraging and guiding women and children who have an interest in diving. Being the only Diving School on the whole island to be owned and managed by women, Katharina has been determined to support women in the Diving Industry. SeaUrchin is the only Diving School in Mauritius to have the highest proportion of female employees.
“With our high proportion of female workers, we wish to demonstrate to other women that the diving industry should no longer be dominated activity. Women can definitely do the job just as well, if not better.”

- SSI DiveMaster (not activated)
Khaleah is the youngest of the two daughters of Katharina, making her the second generation at SeaUrchin. She basically grow up in the DiveCenter and at the Ocean. Said so, she’s a natural mermaid and learned to dive in a very very young age. There is nothing she can’t spot underwater even if she sometimes looses the DiveSite, it’s always inspiring to dive with her. Khaelah became a SSI DiveGuide and DiveMaster at age 15.

happen to be the daily sunshine of our Diving School with her natural cheerfulness. She is our beloved hostess and secretary. Being responsible for the booking, Alex also provides her help, advice, and assistance to any inquiries or practical help the divers may require at the Diving Centre.

- our ginger head Arielle,
- PADI Master Scuba Diver Instructor # 642274
- PADI Specialty Instructor and EFR Instructor
- SSI DiveMaster Instructor #
- SSI Specialty Instructor
Being of French/Swiss descent, raised in Alsace, Perrine speaks fluent French, English, Creole, and German. She has been living in Mauritius since 2007 and joined Katharina at SeaUrchin in August 2008, thus forming a comprehensive and professional team. Perrine is responsible for the PADI training and is also a passionate Shipwreck diver. She, as with all at SeaUrchin, is highly concerned about the preservation of our underwater world. She finished her Instructor Crossover with Katharina in 2017 and is teaching SSI as well since then.
Meet the Interns
At SeaUrchin we offer Internships to become either DiveGuide/ DiveMaster or SSI Instructor. If you are already Instructor you can also join us to become a Specialty Instructor.

Jasmin & Joel
DiveMaster Trainees